Calling Ministry Leaders to join our Revival Family

For far too long, I’ve heard of so many LEADERS and REVIVALISTS who have been isolated yet long to be connected to other burning ones they can go deep with. They’ve experienced powerful encounters, teachings, and ministry, but haven’t had a consistent community to grow with and stay burning.

With the Revival Mentorship Community, you will have a global family of leaders and burning ones coming alongside you, inspiring you to step out in radical faith toward your destiny. Creativity will be unlocked as you learn to flow with the Holy Spirit and become catalytic for revival to break out in your communities.

You are going to learn how to steward revival, gain invaluable leadership skills, and receive impartation.

We are a people who champion each other regardless of religious tradition and choose to live in the fire of God’s presence as consecrated burning ones.

Because Family is the Fireplace of Revival, it’s time to

  • Find Your Spiritual Family

  • Ignite Revival Fire

  • Sustain the Flame

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the Revival Mentorship Community

Some of our Monthly Guest Revival Mentors


Join the Revival Mentorship Community


What’s Included the Community Package

  • LIVE Meetings w/ Global Revival Leaders + the School of Revival family meeting alternate Wednesdays at 9am PT

  • Bonus Intercession, Encounter, and Equip Sessions

  • Walking on Water E-Course

  • Feasting on God’s Presence 3 Day Fast Ecourse

  • Weekly Connection w/ Other Burning Ones

  • Revival Leadership Training

  • Private online Global Revival Community

  • Prophetic Sessions


We are taking registrations to be on the wait list join our Revival Mentorship Community. Register below.


Revival Leader’s Network

*If you are a senior leader or pastor and would like to explore joining our Revival Leader’s Network instead which also includes everything in the Revival Mentorship Community, you can learn more HERE

 What People Are Saying

Questions about the Revival Mentorship Community

  • Starting September 4, 2024, we will begin meeting every other Wednesday 9:00am - 10:00am PT (with optional breakout rooms 10:00-10:30am PT) on a Zoom call that is also live-streamed to a private Facebook group for immediate playback.

    The two main sessions each month will be one equipping session led by Jen and another with a guest speaker. On the alternate Wednesdays, Jen and/or the School of Revival family may host bonus sessions that may include soaking, worship, encounter times, intercession, family time, prophetic ministry, and other things we are feeling the Holy Spirit leading us into. Each session will be led by the Holy Spirit and subject to change but this is the general flow of the main teaching sessions twice a month:

    • 9-9:30am teaching and impartation by Jen or guest speaker

    • 9:30-10am Live group debrief session with Jen

    • 10:00-10:30am Optional Breakout rooms to go deeper, connect, and pray with others

  • Yes! Main teaching sessions will be recorded for immediate playback via the Facebook group if you can’t join live. We also record debrief sessions after the teachings for immediate playback. Breakout rooms in all sessions will not be recorded so we can preserve the privacy of all present. Alternate Wednesday intercession or family meetings may or may not be recorded depending on the theme.

  • You will get access to Revival Mentorship Community which includes immediate access to the Walking on Water Ecourse, the Revival Mentorship Community module which will have a welcome packet and more information on navigating through the community, and an invitation to join our weekly Wednesday meetings via zoom. You are also committing to recurring payments each month after your initial sign up. If you registered for our yearly option, you will have the option to renew each year. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

  • After you register, you will have access to the Revival Mentorship Community which will include a link to the private Facebook Community group in your welcome packet. Request to join the group from that link. When you cancel your subscription, you will no longer have access and will be removed from this Facebook community group.

  • You will have access to the community and mentorship for the duration of your subscription. Once you cancel, you will no longer have access to the content, community, included ecourses, or replays. For yearly subscriptions, there are no refunds if you cancel early but you will have access for the duration of your subscription and until it expires. Once your subscription ends without renewal, you will be removed from any Facebook or online communities where we host sessions, connection, and dialogue.

  • When you join the RMC, you will be with other leaders, burning ones, and revivalists from around the world who are gathering together to go after Jesus and see revival in our day. We meet weekly online and there will be breakout rooms where you will have the opportunity to go deeper with a few as well as pray and prophesy over each other. We ask that you have your cameras turned on in Zoom so that we can build relationships more easily. The teaching times will be filled with revival history, encounters, equipping, and impartation for you to carry and release revival. We make time for optional breakout rooms so that each person is seen, known, and celebrated in a small group. We are believing for covenant friendships to be born through this intersection of leaders and for God to launch you into your destiny in family with greater anointing, power, and love than ever before. While not required, we also encourage encourage you to begin fasting one day a week (or however you feel led) to begin praying for revival in your region.

  • You can absolutely participate in helping make a way for others in poorer nations or those in need can still participate. You can set this up HERE

  • The Community package will meet weekly on Wednesday mornings and is more community focused while the ALL In/SOR school year package (which also includes the Wednesday morning sessions with Community Mentorship) also includes the SOR school year 2024-2025 where we will be meeting Thursday evenings to discuss and go deeper in some of our SOR modules together. These are 6 week modules/classes that have focused teachings, activations, and opportunity to go even deeper together. You watch the main sessions on your own time and then join the class Thursdays to debrief what you learned.

  • There will be a list of guidelines and helpful tips provided in the Revival Mentorship Community to help you navigate our online space once you register. If you need assistance or have any further questions about joining the mentorship, feel free to contact Sara at

Your Mentor

Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a Revival Historian, Author, Writing Coach, and Itinerant Minister who loves to lead people into life-changing encounters with Jesus and invite them to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jen also regularly facilities Writing in the Glory Workshops around the nation to catalyze revivalist authors to write their first books. She has supported Bill Johnson in his Defining Moments book as well as authored Feasting Upon God’s Presence, Sustain the Flame, All Who Are Thirsty, Fasting for Fire, Walking on WaterIgnite Azusa,Writing in the Glory, Life on Wings, Spirit Flood, and Silver to Gold.

Jen loves to lead people into a greater lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus through her writing, teaching, and ministry. She is the Founding Director of School of Revival which exists for the purposes to equip and raise up revivalists around the world. She has taught at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Vanguard University, The King’s University, Ekballo, YWAM, Kingdom Movement School of Ministry, and many more. She is originally from Anaheim, CA and is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global. She received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, U.K.

 What People Are Saying